Just one visit again today, this time to the home of Chesterfield Town Football Club, the B2Net Stadium or as it apparently is now called the ProAct Stadium (Apologies to any true blue fans if the spelling is wrong). Chesterfield Scarsdale Rotary Club were meeting here tonight because of difficulties at their normal home, the Red Lion at Stonedge, nr Chesterfield. The room was well set out and the tables very smartly laid for the start of the meeting at which over 40 Rotarians were present.
I was made very welcome by President Rodger Heathcote and other members of the club, having only been in the room for a minute when a glass of lager was thrust into my hand. The Rotarian tasked with saying Grace, even managed to include a reference to the District Governot in it - so thanks for that.
With a view over the pitch, it was a fine setting for a meeting. Tonight was quite special meeting with a new member being inducted (or is it an old member being recycled??) Anyway Peter Beardsley became a Rotarian at Scarsdale again tonight so many congratulations to him.
Also present at the meeting were representatives from the Special Care Baby Unit at Chesterfield Hospital and Ashgate Hospice, to receive cheques from the club to support their respective establishments.
It was great to see Assistant Governor John Shipman come into the meeting - obviously he just came to listen to my talk !!! Nice to see you John.
The other guest at the meeting was Rotarian David Soul from my club, Belper and Duffield, who had been my driver for the night. Many thanks to David for this.
After the meal, the induction ceremony and the presentation of cheques, President Rodger dealt with a few items of business before introducing me as the speaker for the evening. I talked on the theme of the year, Peace through Service and presented Rodger with an origami crane and a letter from the RI President, Sakuji Tanaka which Rodger dutifully read to the members.
Many thanks to everyone at Scarsdale for their warm hositality and welcome to both myself and to David.
By the way they have a golf day coming up at the end of next week so all you golfers out there - give the Secretary a ring and go and have a round with the Scarsdale Club.
The sayer of the Grace |
Fellowship at the tables |
Presentation of cheque - Ashgate Hospice
Presentation of cheque - Special Care Baby Unit